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Premium GRE Quantitative Reasoning Prep with Videos, Ebook, Practice Worksheets and Quizzes
Integers and real numbers (2:19)
Multiple choice question on operations on integers (2:20)
Multiple choice question on greatest possible value when multiplying 2 negative integers (3:08)
Relationship between dividend and remainder (1:10)
Quantitative comparison question on remainder (2:14)
Absolute value (0:54)
Even and odd numbers (1:35)
Multiple choice question on whether an expression is even (3:11)
Consecutive integers (6:23)
Multiple choice question on sum of consecutive integers (1:53)
Multiple choice question on mean of consecutive integers (2:07)
Factors and factorization (4:00)
Multiple choice question on factoring (2:31)
Multiple choice question on divisibility (3:28)
Multiple choice question on divisibility by LCM of the factor (0:37)
Multiple choice question on number of positive even divisors (1:16)
Multiples (1:45)
Prime and composite numbers (0:53)
Multiple choice question on prime numbers (2:47)
Least common multiple (2:34)
Multiple choice question on LCM plus remainder (1:24)
Quantitative comparison question on LCM (1:20)
Greatest common factor or greatest common divisor (2:03)
Decimals and rounding (1:58)
Multiple choice question on rounding of decimals (2:01)
Properties of numbers between -1 and +1 (0:42)
Multiple choice question on reciprocals (1:47)
Fractions (2:34)
Mixed numbers and improper fractions (1:35)
Multiple choice question on fractions (3:07)
Quantitative comparison question on fractions (1:23)
Multiple choice question on fractions (0:43)
Quantitative comparison question involving fractions and divide-by-zero (1:54)
Quantitative comparison question on comparing fractions (1:56)
Exponents and roots (4:34)
Multiple choice question on exponents (1:08)
Multiple choice question on decimals and exponents (1:43)
Ratio and proportion (1:15)
Percentages (2:24)
Quantitative comparison question on percentages (1:26)
Multiple choice question involving fractions and percentages (1:46)
Multiple choice question involving percentages (1:57)
Rules of divisibility (6:30)
Multiple choice question on divisibility (3:26)
Order of arithmetic operations (2:13)
Terminology of Algebraic Equations (1:54)
Simplifying expressions with like terms (1:06)
Multiplication of expressions (3:56)
Identities (1:21)
Factoring (2:15)
Commutative, associative and distributive laws (1:25)
Working with exponents (3:23)
Rules of exponents (3:14)
Quantitative comparison question on numbers between -1 and +1 (0:51)
Multiple choice question on exponents (1:40)
Multiple choice question involving division, fractions and exponents (1:37)
Multiple choice question involving exponents (1:47)
Identifying linear equations (0:57)
Solving a linear equation in one variable (1:57)
Solving a linear equation in two variables using elimination method (2:18)
Solving a linear equation in two variables using substitution method (2:50)
Quantitative comparison question on linear equations (0:48)
Introduction to quadratic equations (1:42)
Solving quadratic equations using factorization (where the coefficient of x-squared is 1) (1:43)
Solving quadratic equations using factorization(where the coefficient of x-squared is not equal to 1) (1:27)
Quantitative comparison question on the zero factor property (1:56)
Multiple choice question on quadratic equations (2:08)
Multiple choice question on perfect squares (4:05)
Multiple choice question on quadratic equations (2:56)
Linear inequalities (3:41)
Graphing system of inequalities (1:49)
Definition of a function (2:34)
Example problem on functions (5:39)
Special Functions (4:51)
Multiple choice question involving special functions (1:23)
Composite Functions (3:02)
Coordinate Geometry 1 (3:38)
Coordinate geometry 2 (2:57)
Coordinate Geometry 3 (1:29)
Multiple choice question on a line passing through a point (2:25)
Graphs of Functions 1 (3:07)
Graphs of Functions 2 (4:18)
Multiple choice question on reflection of a line (2:07)
Simple and Compound Interest (4:01)
Rate and work (2:46)
Translating a generic word problem into equations (3:34)
Quantitative comparison question on properties of numbers between 0 and 1 as well as greater than 1 (1:11)
Review of terms in geometry 1 (1:34)
Types of angles (2:46)
Numeric entry question on linear pair (0:58)
Multiple choice question on angles on a straight line (4:42)
Angles made with parallel lines (3:26)
Multiple choice question on parallel lines cut by two lines (1:07)
Multiple choice question on parallel lines cut by a transversal 1 (0:43)
Multiple choice question on parallel lines cut by a transversal 2 (2:03)
Polygons (2:00)
Multiple choice question on interior and exterior angles of a polygon (5:32)
Triangles 1 (2:33)
Triangles 2 (4:59)
Multiple choice question on the triangle inequality (3:06)
Multiple choice question on finding the angle in a triangle (3:33)
Similar and congruent triangles (3:10)
Multiple choice question on similar triangles 1 (1:22)
Multiple choice question on similar triangles 2 (2:26)
Area, median, and centroid of a triangle (1:59)
Multiple choice question on finding the area of a triangle (6:39)
Circles (4:16)
Multiple choice question on a triangle inscribed in a circle (3:00)
Multiple choice question on area of a shaded portion within a circle (7:37)
Multiple choice question on length of a chord in a circle (2:24)
Multiple choice question on the angle of a triangle inscribed within a circle (1:41)
Multiple choice question on the distance between the centers of 2 circles (1:07)
Numeric entry question on perimeter of triangle circumscribing a circle (1:29)
Numeric entry question on the area of shaded portion of a circle (2:53)
Review of terms in geometry 2 (3:11)
Quantitative comparison question on triangles in a parallelogram (2:56)
Multiple choice question on area of a trapezoid (3:01)
Multiple choice question on area of triangle within a square (3:09)
Three dimensional figures (3:23)
Multiple choice questions on the length of the longest diagonal within a cube (2:17)
Multiple choice question on a straight line segment (1:42)
Data Analysis
Frequency distributions (4:26)
Bar graphs (4:11)
Pie charts (4:03)
Histograms (2:22)
Scatterplot (3:54)
Time plots (1:22)
Mean (4:42)
Multiple choice question on finding the mean (2:01)
Multiple choice question on the mean of an arithmetic progression (1:47)
Numeric entry question on finding an eliminated number given the old and new mean (1:05)
Multiple choice question on combined averages (1:10)
Quantitative comparison question involving combined averages (1:30)
Median (1:43)
Multiple choice question involving the median (5:02)
Mode (0:51)
Multiple choice question involving median, mode and divisor (1:49)
Quartiles and percentiles (5:07)
Range and interquartile range (4:56)
Multiple choice question involving range (1:32)
Quantitative comparison question on range and mode of a single number (0:42)
Box plot (2:40)
Standard deviation (4:38)
Multiple choice question involving mean and standard deviation (3:10)
Sets and lists (7:54)
Multiplication principle (2:56)
Multiple choice question on the multiplication principle (2:17)
Permutations and combinations (7:00)
Numeric entry question on choosing lightbulbs (1:31)
Multiple choice question on number of possible license plates (0:43)
Multiple choice question involving permutations (0:56)
Multiple choice question involving combinations (0:58)
Probability (6:20)
Multiple choice question on the probability that 2 people contradict each other (0:47)
Multiple choice question on balls drawn from a bag (0:48)
Quantitative comparison question on rolling 2 dice (2:39)
Multiple choice question on probability of picking a number card (0:39)
Multiple choice question on both people decoding a message (1:01)
Multiple choice question on at least one person decoding a message (1:37)
Multiple choice question on neither person decoding the message (0:51)
Random variables (2:21)
Normal distribution (2:01)
Numeric entry question on the normal distribution (1:42)
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